
Computer Software Development

Administrational Document
March/April Ideas Forum

This DataServe Administrational Document is a document that concerns the Appointment of Positions and a number of other important matters.

1. Appointment of Positions

A telephone conversation held with Mr. Joshua Reich indicated that he was not interested in participating with the proposed plan of Appointment of Positions. The reason was that he didn't like the fact that the two partners in Howard-Wirth held senior positions, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Reich 'only' held the position of Executive Programmer and numerous other positions. We feel that this is unreasonable, and will try to pursuade (sic) Mr. Reich otherwise.

A ratification notice re. the merger was served to the shareholders of DataServe, but it was unsigned by all members in the time required. To quote, Tony Wirth said: "If Mr Rake sorry Reich, yes I'll say that again Reich, does not want to participate with the proposed plan he may as well get lost. If he does not sign no extension will be granted for the ratification. Hence, there will be a breakdown in talks and the merger will be duly sought to be cancelled." This statement, though offensive, boasts the feelings of Mr With when he is aggravated.

If actions are not taken to rectify the situation within a given period of time, we will have to proceed with the instructions given above. TheHoward-Wirth/DIA merger deal has produced a wonderful relationship between the Directors and it would be a pity to cancel this after such a short time.

2. DataServe Catalogue

The Macintosh Division of DataServe is currently working on the development of a computerised catalogue. Based on HyperCard, it offers a comprehensive yet simple database of the products we have produced.

3. Dept. of Electronics

The Department of Electronics has announced the plans for a cheap and educational computer interface. The circuit can be built with a minimum of components, and allows up to eight light-emitting-diodes to be selectively activated from the computer console. By placing the lights under a template of eight piano keys (drawn on cardboard), you can convert your computer into a learning aid for music that will respond both visually as well as audibly. We think this is a great product, and when our finances increase, we will be able to build a prototype. At the moment, it works only on the IBM but we will consider developing versions for other computers. Our serial interface, which is already built, proved to be a success.

We would like to congratulate Joshua on his high score in the AMP science awardss (sic) last year. His entry, a 'beepinng (sic) blind aid', would be a great help to the disabled. This can be custom developed if required.

If the proceeding Appointment of Positions is accepted, then Joshua will have senior position in the Dept. of Electronics.

Once again, congratulations.

3. Apple Computers

This subsiduary caters for two computers: the Macintosh range and the Apple ][ range. Development is continuing.

4. Wanted

I, Tony Wirth, would like to know if there is anyone in Dataserve who would know how to make a foreign language translator. It would be of great use with my Latin:

Habetisne horologia? = Do you (pl) have watches?

5. I suggest we start a Lego Deparment...

I feel that we need to develop a Lego Department. Most of the Lego used would be Techincal (sic) Lego. Joshua Reich might be able to get the computer to control the Lego via electricity.

I have a reply to this (from Luke Howard). The above mentioned section has some details. There is a digital to analog interface that you can build with a handful of resistors. Providing the current (5v @ 25mA or a little more) is sufficient to drive a motor, the D/A converter would allow varying speeds to be controlled.

6. If you like...

This may be an administrational document, but feel free to use it as a forum for ideas. Correspondence may be supplied from any member, and we will rotate the authors between Luke/Tony and (!) Joshua/Joshua*.

* Joshua to the power of two.

7. New Products

We are constantly searching for new ideas for products to be developed by any of our departments. Feel free to contribute.

8. Desktop Publishing

Luke Howard is offering a typing service for any documents from one to three pages in length. Ring him on (03) 509 8524.

9. Product of the (Bi)Month

Product of the Month is the DataServe Computer Magazine. This is a bi-monthly product for the IBM that includes an Advertising section, a Reviews section, and many more wonderful sections. It is presented in a menu form, with function key selection and a border.

It was developed by Luke Howard, Joshua Samual (sic) and Joshua Reich.

10. Viruses

One of our shareholders' computer (sic) was infected by a virus program recently. Called the Ping-pong Virus, it consisted of a bouncing ball appearing on the screen at random intervals. Apparently, it would keep duplicating itself until the hard disk is stuffed. It was cleaned, thankfully.

It appears that Joshua Reich is infected with the Pakistani Brains/Ashar virus.

We recommend throughly the SCAN program, from McFee (sic) Associates. Both of our viruses were detected by this program, and if you have an IBM, it is essential. The version I have scans for 60 viruses.

11. Headquarters

We have decided to establish our resident headquarters at Luke Howard's place. Any letters to be directed on to others should be send to this address:
DataServe CSD
c-/ Luke Howard
10 Martin Crescent
Glen Iris 3146

12. Conclusion

Well, this concludes our premire (sic) issue of the DataServe Forum for ideas. Don't forget -- we'll be back next month!!!

Please pass this on to:
Luke Howard
Joshua Reich
Tony Wirth
Joshua Samual
Other associated members...


We have decided to introduce a new 'members' scheme. People may subscribe to our members service and receive monthly product updates as well as this Forum. Just drop us a line...

Luke Howard and Tony Wirth